miƩrcoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Living to tell my tale

I tend to be a perfectionist and I knew that if did not start my project with anticipation I would be stressing on the small details and would not have completed it in time as the deadline approached; hence, my research project, living to tell my tale, is almost finished. So far I have interviewed my friends, recorded and researched my community, talked about my life and edited the video. I am still missing a reference page for pictures and works cited and the ideal song to place as background music, but I do not know if I should even include music because it might interrupt one of my interviews.
 For this project I have a timeline, which depicts aspects of my life and mindset now at age 19 and focuses on future predictions of my community (i.e. Washington Heights) based on present times. I have spent a lot time working on it and hopefully everyone that watches it enjoys,especially myself in a couple of years.

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